Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 8 Day 6 - Still sick

Still home with this cold.  Sleeping a lot.  Definately staying under my points.  Soup, yogurt and tea along with lots of cold meds make me happy.

Of course having a laptop with netflix makes me happy too, as do my Sookie Stackhouse novels.  This too shall pass and I'm hoping to feel better enough to go outside tomorrow.

Here's to jammies, hot water for showers and tea and soup.  As the song says I'm "stayin alive".

One day.  One pound.  One day at a time.


  1. Being sick is a SUCKY way to do it, but I am guessing you will lose weight this week. Yippeeee!! :) One positive to look at.

  2. yep, and you are so right. Not only will I lose weight but I lost weight AND had that fantastic chocolate cake. Bad thing is the laptop took a dive so no netflix tomorrow. But a new harvest stew just hot off the stove thanks to the roommate!
