Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25 - focus forward

So I am going to be 40 on Saturday and have not done a damn thing to keep track of my eating and exercise at all in the last 2 weeks.  Honestly I've been focused on getting ready for a birthday party and vacation.  I stood on the scale yesterday and said some words I'll not post here.
Yeah, I know exactly what I need to do and I'm not doing it.  I'm using every single excuse in my head to not do what I need to do - drink more water, move more and repeat.  The thing is I'm not doing terribly bad with what I'm eating (ok, cheesy fries from Jack in the Box?  HORRIBLE for you but I wanted them after spending 3 hours trying to find my ITunes playlist that I'm using Saturday night and disappeared magically from my laptop after an "upgrade".....).  But I know the combo that works.
And I only have me to look at to get back in the getting in shape zone.
So I promise me and you that I'm going to log my foods online tomorrow.  And I'm going to do at least, LEAST 10 min of moving/exercise.  And I'll meet you back here tomorrow night to tell you how it goes.
Did I mention tomorrow's my last day of work for a whole entire week??!!!  Yeah.  Good things.

One Day.  One Step.  One Pound at a Time.

Friday, January 14, 2011

1/14/11 - FRIDAY

Oh Friday you have never felt better.  Actually last week was so bad that even Friday night sucked for me, and that's not at all normal.  However this week I was able to find balance and got stuff done AND worked on my healthy plan. 

I have decided to give the Medifast products 2 more weeks and a lot more spice pick-me-ups.  And if I find I just can't stand it I'm moving on.  Today I went to a deli just down the street from work and bought a big salad and a half veggie-sandwich.  I am hooked on McDonald's oatmeal and fruit.  Warm goodness.  Not a big bowl.  (I haven't a clue how many points it is so I suppose I should figure it out) and since I've been sick for MONTHS now I'm having OJ every day.  I am also currently going thru a sugar-free Red Bull every day, just to keep awake.  Yes, I know, the response to that is usually "GROSS" but lemme tell you - the ad doesn't say "it gives you wings" for nothin'....

I have not followed through on the nightly tradition/habit of exercising.  Think it's probably because I'm waiting for the roommate to start it first.  But I have to be the one to do it.  So tomorrow I'm going on a walk.  Ok, it's going to be at the mall and it's for stuff for my birthday and mini-vacation, but it will still be a walk and I shall make it count.  ;)

One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

1/13/11 - carpeting

Anyone that has known me for a moderate amount of time knows that I have a personal motto: Carpe Diem. Sometimes I jokingly say "carpet the den". It is a latin phrase that means (loosely translated by me) sieze now. Sieze this moment. Sieze today. I first heard this when I watched the movie Dead Poet's Society a looooooooooong time ago. And it just stuck with me. The power of now. The importance of paying attention to what's right in front of you.  To BE here NOW.  (not focused on something else)

Well, a week ago there was a horrible shooting by a mentally ill man, killed 6 people at a meeting at a grocery store. Unfortunately the debate that came out of this horrible thing was not so much "how can we help it so this kind of thing doesn't happen again? how can we be more careful with people" but finger pointing and instant politicization. It is just how things are done in this country now, maybe it's how they have always been done (see immediate responses following 9/11 and Oklahoma City) but it just seems sad that something as truly inane as politics gets in the way of humanity.   People died and a young man who is very much in need of care, serious and psychiatric care has obviously never gotten any.

I don't talk politics anymore, this may be the most you'll see ever on here. Too divisive. And I appreciate that I do not have the same views as many of my friends. I just don't see the point in arguing.  It's like arguing over what kind of toilet paper to use, and in my opinion deals with just about the same stuff.  

So why am I talking about it here? Because 2 days ago a friend of mine from work, a nurse named Stephanie who has worked at my hospital for over 30 years (she's only 55) had a stroke after leaving work. I'm not clear on exactly what happened but her mom found her in her car. And she's in the hospital and has what's called aphasia. My friend Jess who reads this blog from exotic points around the globe will know exactly what that is. Basically what's going on with Steph is that she knows what words she wants to say but she can't make herself say them. Yeah. Think about that for a minute. When someone asks you if you want cream and sugar in your coffee and you go to say "yes please" instead you say "crackers paperclip" or something equally as strange. Basic communication. And she may not be able to come back to work. Ever.

Just like that. In an instant. I walked by her on my way out the door on Tuesday night. Clocking out. Smiled. Just like always.

One of the things I said in my first post on here was that one of the reasons I want to get healthy is because I know that being obese/overweight puts you at risk for cardiac disease and stroke. Steph is short and round. And it's likely the combo of stress at work and the round part that made this possible.

I'm still working on trying to find a way to eat good food at work (dear GOD that Medifast stuff isn't doing it for me.....) but I am at least getting up and moving more.

Because I want to live.

One day. One pound. One step at a time.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1/11/11 - ooooooooooooooh

I admit it I love patterns.  seeing 11:11 on the clock makes me happy.  seeing 01/02/03 on the calendar made me grin and typing the date today made me smile like a geek.  I think what it really is to me is a date, a set of numbers that will not happen ever again.  Of course that is the case with any day.  We don't ever get to do now over again.
Today was cold and I didn't walk.  However I did stick to my plan - Medifast chicken noodle/rice soup.  Today I took salt and tabasco with me, that helped quite a bit.  Still not drinking enough water but will keep that in my head and the more I focus on it the more I'm likely to drink more.  Water that is.  :)
So, work is slowly getting better.  It feels like I'm able to handle the added responsibilities better when I specifically make time to walk, or like I did today - go somewhere quiet and sit and be in silence.  The balance that I strive for is so key to my success in being able to interact with people and I know it rubs off too - try being focused and happy at work if there is a mad-as-hell co-worker stomping around.  Doesn't work.
So, tomorrow I'll at least make the time to walk around the building and maybe do some deep knee bends and wall pushes.  That's exercise.  And it's a way to relieve stress too.
Tonight the roommate made Pho.  Warm and spicy.  It's so cold outside (no Snow DAMMIT) that it seeps in through any cracks.  Headache, thanks to hormones, and hot tea helping me get ready for bed.
I hope you are all somewhere warm and safe.  Big sad stuff happening in the world and it's easy to get caught up in the sad or angry stories.  Me?  I'm happy to be caught up in my robe and fuzzy socks.  Making new habits.
One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.

Monday, January 10, 2011

1/10/11 Quack

The Oregon Ducks only lost 1 game this season.  It was the very last one so it was kind of a stinger.  But it was a great game. 
I love football and my team is the San Francisco 49ers.  They lost a lot more than 1 game this year but I still like them. And the Boise State Broncos are my college team.  They lost a key game because the kicker "shanked it" at the last minute.  That would be a long ride back home. 
Today I took the first step back to good health.  I took not one but 2 10 minute walks.  And I did indeed eat my (gross, disgusting, NOT AT ALL CHEESY BURGERS) MediFast food. 
I made the time to walk.  Twice.  And I did pretty good on the food thing - I haven't logged on weight watchers yet so I need to see where I am with points but I'm at least sure I did what I was supposed to do.  Moved.
And I won't give up.  I promise myself.  And you.  And tomorrow I'll do it again.
One day.  One pound.  One step at a time.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

1/9/11 - In the Immortal Words of....

Who came up with this phrase "in the immortal words of..." followed by something pithy, wise or hilarious?  I don't know but today has had me running it through my head.  Several times this weekend I've said "ladies & gentlemen, ladies & gentlemen" in a voice intended to imitate Alan Rickman in the first Die Hard movie.  And I've had several meaningful conversations with friends in which we quoted someone who we felt summed up whatever we were talking about. 
Immortal words.  That's a pretty tall order.  Making your words count.  I would think that the "immortal" part doesn't come until much longer after you've said them.
For me my own personal immortal words started when I started this blog.  When I said that this was the first step to getting healthy.  And along the way I promised to be honest and to continue to work towards my goal of  being healthy.
So today I stood on the scale and I have gained back 8 pounds.  Yes.  EIGHT.  These represent yummy drinks, sugary delights, hours spent sitting on my ass when I should have at least gotten up and walked for 5 minutes, or 10.  And today I reminded myself that this is on my own timeline.  And on my own terms.  Cause it's my weight I'm losing.  Believe me if I could get someone else (let's pick Jillian Michaels shall we?) to lose it for me I so would.  But no.  It's me.  And in one of my conversations today I reminded a very good friend who was going through, no IS going through a very rough time to ....(wait for it) in the immortal words of Steve Perry "Don't stop believing".  And I am taking my own advice. 

One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


So, my roommate and I have begun a little tradition.  It's a different tradition from the one where we kill a bottle of tequila for Christmas.  No.  This one is where we get off the couch and stretch muscles, lift weights and get our heart rates up.  For at least 10 minutes.  Will move towards 15 min and eventually 30.  Today I did 20 jumping jacks and since 20 was a good number I stuck with that for arm curls and a bunch of other exercises intended to coax the muscles out from under my fat arms.  And I did some push ups (girl style where the knees are touching the ground) and 10 sit ups. 

I have a big milestone coming up in 3 weeks - I will be 40.  And I will have had 3 weeks to make moving a habit.  And today I met with a tattoo artist to discuss (shocker since I just told you in the title) a tattoo that I'm going to get in March.  It is a symbol that is full of meaning to me in many ways.  The basis of it is what's called a celtic-maori star.  Combination of symbols from my European heritage and my goal of someday going and spending quality time in the beautiful mountains of New Zealand.  And part of this pain/art process is reminding me that if I want something it's going to take effort and probably a little discomfort.

I cleaned out my kitchen cupboards today, went on what the roommate called a rampage (see hormone fluxuations...) and discovered a large bunch of packets from my MediFast phase.  I haven't used them/eaten them for months.  They are taking up space in my kitchen cupboards so I packed them all up and they are going with me to work on Monday.  And they will be my lunch and snacks for the next few months (until I'm done with them all).  I have been having my ass handed to me at work over the last month.   When things changed with the cuts I made the promise to myself to put 100% into this job.  Every day.  And yet it seems that what is needed to keep caught up and get the job done is around 180% to 200%.  Consequently the stress is not helping me stay well, or be nice....and I have to find a way to make it work.  Because otherwise I'm going to be a 500 pound bitch by the end of the year.  And well, that's just not in the cards people.

So, I shall keep doing this daily "MOVE" thing with my roommate and find a way to make the work not kill me.  And that will include the federally required 30 min for lunch and two 10 min breaks.  No matter what.

One day.  One pound.  One step at a time.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Ow.  I think it was the champagne toast at the end of the night that did me in.  I may not get hangovers or puke from drinking anymore (live and learn on that one - or you could just NOT drink....I know....but I like to so there ya go) but my stomach will hurt like HELL if I have too much.  Last night I made a big old cocktail of rum, vodka, gin, chocolate liquour, blackberry brandy, blue raspberry vodka, tequila and champagne.  There may well have been other drinks with other things in them but those are the ones I remember.....no they were not all in one drink, in many many.  And the last drink, a sip of champagne to toast the new year was what did me in.

So I am recovering a bit today - note to drinkers:  activated charcoal tabs, about 8 of them with a big glass of water, will help kill a hangover.  I promise.  100% effective.  Had breakfast today and forgot to ask for the egg white omelette but it was still good and stuffed with veggies.  And that short stack (3) of pancakes?  TOTALLY worth it. 

Today is Clean Slate day.  Tabula Rasa.  1/1/11.  We get to set the tone of the year from today on and I am happy to be re-focused (The N in TCN) and it is going to be a FANTASTIC year.  Happy New Year's.

One Day.  One Step.  One Pound at a time.