Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 7 Day 6/7 Sisterhood of the traveling pants

Ok, I've never seen that movie, I have seen the Ya-Ya Sisterhood which is great, but I digress.  The reason I chose this title is that I have worn 2 pairs of pants in the last 2 days that I hadn't been able to wear in at least 1 year, if not 2.  And the last time I wore them I was on my way to losing 50 pounds.  This time I plan to power right past the 50 pounds point, and keep going. 

So, yesterday was Friday.  It wasn't a bad day at work, despite the things I've been thinking about and the fact that yes my boss is still (for the moment) my boss.  I kept my head down and did my job and got the hell out of there.  I did NOT walk.  In fact I haven't walked since Tuesday.  So I didn't get my 4 days in this week.  And yet I still lost weight.  I'll hold off on telling you the # until tomorrow but I do find it very interesting that for a couple of weeks I was walking and exercising a LOT and I didn't really see a movement on the scale.  But this week I only have 8 exercise points and I did.  I'm not saying I'm going to stop exercising, hahahaha!  But I am saying that I need to pay attention to what I do and what I eat when I'm doing regular exercise and see if I can put the exercise together with good food/drink choices to power the engines back up and burn that fat.

I find that planning, packing and taking a lunch/snacks to work with me really works well.  I am never hungry at work.  I may eat pretty much the same thing every day (yogurt, carrots, cherry tomatos, cottage cheese or string cheese, sandwich, soup and a pudding) but I like what I eat and that is a big deal.  I'm not feeling like I'm cheating myself out of something.  And I still get to eat stuff at home that I like.  Friday nights are almost always game night at my house and we've been known to order pizzas and guzzle beer/drinks until the wee hours.  (I usually poop out at midnight, 1am at the latest but my roommate and another friend can be up till 3 or later)  Last night we played Rock Band for hours and the guys got a pizza.  And I had a Smart Ones meal with broccoli and pasta, a rum and coke zero and a couple of slices of a quesadilla that my roommate made.  Oh, my new favorite snack is to take 2 of the little corn tortillas and put some low fat mozerella cheese in them and microwave them.  Low points.  And cheesy goodness.

And today I had a VIA (last weekend I went to get my favorite coffee drink, an almond mocha from a local coffee shop and was horrified to see that if I'd gotten it the regular way I always got it I'd have been spending around 10 points!!!!) and then made myself what has become my favorite breakfast:  egg whites, fresh spinach, white mushrooms, fat free feta and some garlic.  SOOOO good.  Oh, and I put salsa on it.  And I had 2 pieces of the Sara Lee bread with a butter/type spray that I bought last week.  I'm telling you, spray is the way to go for things like butter, oil, dressing.  It gets the taste on more space, without using so much  actual stuff. 

It's raining today so I really would like nothing more than to sit and read a book and/or watch movies all afternoon.   But I should go on a walk.  We'll see.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day.  I know I'm at a new # and I'm happy with that.  And I am wearing some jeans I haven't been able to get on, much less button up in 2 years.  Life is not bad today.

One day.  One pound.  One step at a time.

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