Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 12 Day 4 - Cheater Cheater quiche eater (ok, not today)

So, the president's in town today.  Lucky for me it's my short day so I was not stuck in the inevitable traffic jam that ensued.  Another great thing about today?  It was day 2 of being at or under my points AND I got to go to my chiropractor.  I don't care what anyone else says - this works for me.  Today I had my first massage.  Ok, I had a massage one other time, it was my birthday and I think it was in 1998 or 1999.  But today I got 50 minutes of fabulous relaxation.  I felt so great when she was done.  And then the doc did an adjustment, including pulling on my right leg which made me laugh but it made me feel better so hey!

Yep, I was good today.  I logged all my food at work, printed it and promptly left it on the printer when I left.  But I know what I had.  I went back to basics:  2 Light & Fit Yogurts (right now there's a special thing they are doing where they will donate 10cents every time you log in one of the codes from the tops to breast cancer research - very cool), 1 string cheese for breakfast.  (Craving dairy this week)  Campbells Select Light itialian noodles/vegetables soup, 14 cheezits, a sandwich with tofurky and swiss cheese, 2 string cheeses (light - and yeah that's a lot of dairy but I'm tellin ya I crave dairy this week) for lunch, drank a big glass of water right after coming home from the chiropractor and had home made Pho with tofu and a peanut butter and sugar free apricot jam sandwich (sandwich thins) for dessert.   Just before bed I had 2 more of the Light & Fits and more water. 

Accountability is key for my success.  I know this.  And this blog is part of my accountability.

Today's inspirational information is found in the weight watcher website:  an article entitled "8 ways Not to Cheat on a Diet."        :)
Article by Sally Hammond, from 
1.  Plan for treats.  It's gonna happen.  Plan for it.  Savor it.
2.  Put your pantry on a diet.   If what you have handy to eat is healthy then you're halfway there. You should see my fridge now....Bob from The Biggest Loser said that he never has anything in his fridge that would last longer than 2 weeks.  I give myself a bye for alcohol and condiments but the rest?  Yeah, you have to eat salad and cucumbers soon...otherwise they get reallllly gross.
3.  Choose your friends wisely.    Make sure you surround yourself with people that will help support you in your healthy choices.  Probably not the ones that want to go eat mexican food every night. 
4.  Count the cost as well as calories.   Now this one's a great idea.  They suggest paying yourself whenever you meet a goal or every day you stay in your plan.  And then rewarding yourself with something great.  I have something great that I'm working towards.  It's a big trip.  And I think this is the perfect excuse to save up. 
5.  Picture yourself.     Oh man.  It says take some not-so-flattering pictures of yourself, or find them, and put them near the snack jar or near the fridge.  Wherever you are tempted to cheat.   I know just the picture and it's going to have to go somewhere discreet at work.....The goal is to remind yourself of the positive changes you are trying to make in your life.
6.  Surround yourself with witnesses.  Give your friends the permission they need to remind you of the importance of sticking with the plan.  Just so you know - YOU are my witnesses.  That's what this blog is all about.  So, for god's sakes if you see me walking by with a flat of quiche or a vat of pea salad....trip me! And then go for a walk with me. (and maybe give me some crystal light, that's zero points)
7.  Check up on yourself.  (I'm just going to copy this one word for word all the others have been summarized)  ''Write down every single thing that passes your lips each day. If you often eat when you're upset or stressed, try to record this too. If you gobbled up a candy bar after arguing with your partner, you probably need to find alternative ways of coping with your moods. Next time try phoning a friend or going for a stress-relieving walk."   Me?  I need to cope with pain. And keep going to the chiropractor and lessening the pain.
8. Keep a sense of porportion.  Everybody slips.  Everybody cheats.  And the only way to stop cheating is to identify what caused it.  Take responsibility and don't give up.  Because giving up is cheating yourself.

One day.  One pound.  One step at a time.

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