Thursday, February 24, 2011

snow and cabbage

I love snow.  I cannot overstate how much I love snow.  It makes everything seem clean and tidy.  I don't know how else to describe it.  Peaceful.

It snowed today.  The most it's snowed all year.  That's not really saying much but still, it was there.  It's all gone now but I loved every minute of it.

Because of the weather I focused on work and didn't take the time to go walk outside.  Too bad really, I missed a nice walk I'm sure.  Still making a new habit to move.  I will make that habit.  I WILL.

I ate good things today.  All good things.  And I feel good tonight.  I had a banana and oatmeal (apple and cinnamon flavor from Medifast, not as good as the maple syrup flavor) and an apple.  I usually get Fujis.  They are crisp and flavorful.  I can't stand the yellow or golden delicious, anything mushy = ick.  I had a small handful of almonds, no salt, and 2 dates.  My mom used to call them "nature's candy" and I didn't believe her.  Lately I've been reminded that they sure are sweet and good.

Lunch was the rest of last night's dinner with some kidney beans thrown in.  (Not my favorite beans but not bad.)  Because of the snow this morning we car-pooled and I had less time to get ready so I didn't grab another snack but it was ok, one of the departments had a potluck breakfast and someone brought hard-boiled eggs.  Yes it was supposed to be a dairy-free 6 weeks but I wanted them.  And I ate them.  Three of them.  And they were good. 

Tonight we had red cabbage, my new favorite ingredient.  Sliced up with onions and tofu, with a tablespoon or 2 of balsamic vinaigrette.  Sauteed. Served with fresh bean curd sprouts, some fresh basil, a squeeze of lime and Sri ra cha.  Y U M.  Y U M.  Seriously yum.  And filling.  Kinda like Pho without the broth. 

Dessert was an apple and a banana cut up with a dab of natural peanut butter.   Seriously, we're beginning to feel like hippies!!! Actually I was brought up as a vegetarian but a lot of the veggie proteins are so full of sodium and preservatives that I'm pretty sure when I die you'll be able to find both Big Franks and Stripples somewhere in my stomach.

And I'm going to bed but not feeling like I've deprived myself.  Now, if only I'd feel more like getting up at 5 or 5:30 to do some WiiYoga or something....

One day.  One pound.  One step at a time.

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