Sunday, January 15, 2012


Yep, still 9 down.  Getting used to eating this way.  I've started adding some basic exercises to my day too.  A good friend introduced me (via FB) to a site called pinterest and on that site (which is porn for women by the way - I had that on my laptop yesterday and my beloved 49ers on the tube and I was in HEAVEN) I found a link to a site that gives you a list of ideas of exercises for whatever body part you want.  And right now I want to work on my thunder thighs. 

So here's the link:

An interesting side effect I've found on this diet - I get some seriously painful leg cramps at night when I go to low/no dairy and carb eating.  Did it last year when we did this and man I woke up Saturday AND Friday morning with cramps.  UGH   So I'm looking into a multi-vitamin.  Something I've discovered is that there are concerns for vitamins that have high IUs of Vitamin A.  Linked to some cancers.  The thing is - I'm eating really really good stuff, dark leafy greens etc. - so I just need to tweak whatever things (potassium?) I'm eating to cut the cramps.  It's so weird because I mean I eat bananas DAILY.  And that's what I was always told we had to eat when you get cramps.  I read that you also need to make sure you drink enough water, so have been amping that up as well (altho I am already drinking a lot).

Anyway, feeling more clear headed.  Adding some side leg raises to work on the "saddle bags" and IF I eat cheese or eggs or other stuff that I practically lived on before it's only a little bit.  So we'll keep going.  This is working.

One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.


  1. I learned in my childbirth class that you should drink some vinegar when you have cramps and it works immediately....apparently. (Apple Cider Vinegar or whatever.) I don't know if I would be brave enough to try it, but for whatever it's worth.

  2. Hey there,
    I'm back in the Blogworld.
    I've been reading you here.
    Hugs :)

  3. MTSNOWBB - hmmm. well to stop the cramps I might just do that. FA - Good to see you girl. :)
