So, tonight we had a fantastic stirfry (still only using water and just the liquids from the veggies) of eggplant, mushrooms, onion, basil, garlic, tofu and canned tomatos. Put some Sri Ra Cha (which has some sodium in it but not very much) on it and ate that right up. And along with my now standard fare of banana & oatmeal, apple, orange, baby carrots, black beans and left-overs from last night (Pho and steamed broccoli) I'm still under for my daily points.
What continues to be my problem is getting up and moving. Work can take so much focus away from taking time out for me. I HAVE to get up and walk twice a day. I get 2 breaks and a lunch and I almost always sit at my desk (or go to the bathroom) for them....SAD. I will make that my focus. That and continuing the veggies. Cheese may get a taste every week or so but no more daily snarfing of many different kinds of fabulous cheese.
Sunday is weigh-in day. I'm hoping for more progress.
One day. One pound. One step at a time.
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