Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1/11/11 - ooooooooooooooh

I admit it I love patterns.  seeing 11:11 on the clock makes me happy.  seeing 01/02/03 on the calendar made me grin and typing the date today made me smile like a geek.  I think what it really is to me is a date, a set of numbers that will not happen ever again.  Of course that is the case with any day.  We don't ever get to do now over again.
Today was cold and I didn't walk.  However I did stick to my plan - Medifast chicken noodle/rice soup.  Today I took salt and tabasco with me, that helped quite a bit.  Still not drinking enough water but will keep that in my head and the more I focus on it the more I'm likely to drink more.  Water that is.  :)
So, work is slowly getting better.  It feels like I'm able to handle the added responsibilities better when I specifically make time to walk, or like I did today - go somewhere quiet and sit and be in silence.  The balance that I strive for is so key to my success in being able to interact with people and I know it rubs off too - try being focused and happy at work if there is a mad-as-hell co-worker stomping around.  Doesn't work.
So, tomorrow I'll at least make the time to walk around the building and maybe do some deep knee bends and wall pushes.  That's exercise.  And it's a way to relieve stress too.
Tonight the roommate made Pho.  Warm and spicy.  It's so cold outside (no Snow DAMMIT) that it seeps in through any cracks.  Headache, thanks to hormones, and hot tea helping me get ready for bed.
I hope you are all somewhere warm and safe.  Big sad stuff happening in the world and it's easy to get caught up in the sad or angry stories.  Me?  I'm happy to be caught up in my robe and fuzzy socks.  Making new habits.
One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.

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