Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 8 Day 4 - All things being Equal

Today is a very special day.  It is one of the 2 days of the year when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator and day and night are of equal length.  An equinox occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as the Earth's equator.  This year the autumnal Equinox (that occured today) also happened on the same day as the Harvest Moon, a full moon that is absolutely gorgeous and this won't happen again until 2029. 

It is a time when people like me get to reflect on the concept of balance.  And I feel like I've been working, for at least the last 8 weeks, on getting balance in my life.  Today a co-worker and I talked about watching The Biggest Loser and how that motivates us.  She got so motivated a few years ago that she started running and working out and got to where she ran a half-marathon.  I cannot even imagine doing that.  Walking up heartattack hill this morning made my lungs hurt and I'm still hacking and coughing.  Altho, to be honest I'm not convinced that I don't have a cold.  I've been telling myself that it's allergies for 2 weeks now...and the way I'm still wheezing makes me think "ok fine, maybe I'm fighting something."

But hey, if I am fighting something the really really great soup that my roommate made for dinner tonight will help.  Being my short day I got off work early and went to the store and bought some groceries.  I had decided that I wanted to celebrate the start of Fall, and use it as a time to re-focus and keep the motivation going.  So I bought some potatos, squash, onions, shallots, celery and my roommate cooked it all into a fantastic soup that I'm  going to enjoy again tomorrow.    Nature's bounty and mmm-mmm good.  

Keeping things in balance means getting up and walking.  Getting good rest.  Drinking enough water and eating good food.  Doing my best at work and keeping my eye on the goals I set for myself.  All things being equal, this isn't a bad time to be on this journey and Fall brings soup weather and the right soups are low points!!  ;)

One day.  One pound.  One step at a time.

Happy Fall.

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