So, the last time I did Medifast I remember being hungry and cranky and not liking the food. This time is different, probably because I've already changed my diet significantly over the past year. Whatever the case, I'm on day 3 of the 5&1 plan (you eat 5 of the Medifast meals throughout the day - every 2 or 3 hours) and 1 "lean & green" meal.
This time I like the food - the eggs are better, more egg-y. I like the hot chocolate and really like the veggie sloppy joes. I am going to have to come up with some recipes for the lean & green meal because, even tho our meals are very healthy, they are not giving me enough protein. So, working on that.
We're walking a mile a day now, most days of the week. Not up heart attack hill yet, I'm still so tired all the time. But that's more likely to do with whatever's going on in my guts. Speaking of, saw the GI doc this week. He has 3 ideas that he thinks it could be. 1 is post-infectious irritable bowel. Neato. Basically that would mean that I've just not ever gotten over being sick a month ago. 2 is a disease that is close to NASH (the non-alcoholic fatty liver) and basically is fatty liver that hasn't "irritated" the liver yet (so not as bad). And 3 is something to do with my body's ability to deal with iron. Being a vegetarian I was confused at first as to why I'd be having difficulty with iron and where I was getting iron from....then I remembered "leafy green vegetables"....aka pretty much everything I've eaten in the last month.
So, more tests to come this next week. I went to a lab that had someone who I consider to be the ROCK STAR of blood draws - not only did she find a vein that I couldn't even see in my arm, but she got 4 vials of blood in 45 seconds. FOUR!!! Last time it was barely 1 vial from my hand in 2 minutes. WAY better. (could've been the Xanax but I'm giving the credit to her)
So today I had blueberry oatmeal (YUM), eggs with spices and sri ra cha (YUM), Spiced pancakes (will be yum when I figure out how not to make sad little wrinkled up thin disc looking things, and am going to friends' for dinner where I'm going to test out my lean & green skills. I still get 2 more of the MF meals so I'm taking one of the caramel bars with me and when we get home I get to have pudding. Yup. I can like this plan. I still don't like the soy cheese that I bought, but today I ate 2 slices of it with a Wasa cracker for a snack and maybe it's because I know I can't have anything else or I was just lightheaded and hungry (not really) but it wasn't awful. Baby steps...
One day. One step. One pound at a time. (weighing in tomorrow so will have #s on that later)
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