Friday, June 10, 2011

technology is my friend

so, I lost not one computer but TWO computers in the last week.  Lost them actually in the space of 3 days.  That's why I haven't been online....word to the wise: write your passwords down in case the very special secret file you saved them all in DISAPPEARS in the time it takes to stand up and walk to the kitchen to get a cup of cofffee.

So, I've been doing P90X.  It's Friday so we aren't doing it tonight (have a friend that visits every Friday to play games) but I can tell you that I have muscles that are showing their presence by way of PAIN.  We've done core 2 times now (HATE core but it's so good for you), cardio 2 times (again, laid on the floor at the end and wanted to DIE), the stretching one once which was GREAT and the chest and arms which wasn't bad.  I was looking online tonight at Jillian Michaels' Facebook page and there's a picture of her working out troops over seas.  The picture shows an entire gymnasium of people doing the dreaded Superman move (of superman-banana in P90X).  I said to myself "I've DONE THAT!"

And I exercised when I didn't want to.  On the nights that I didn't even bring it up I didn't have to - the cd got put into the player and we were off.  It's a matter of telling myself "I CAN DO THIS".

And I'm down another 2 pounds.  So that's 5 pounds since I started trying to move more.  Oh, and I'm drinking what I term "beveragezilla" every day (72 oz of water).  So at the very least I can't sit too long at work - I have to PEE all the time!

The ant bites are nearly gone - but still shadowing my wrists after 2 weeks.  And the lawn didn't get finished.  But we did exercise 4 out of the last 5 nights.  And will do the yoga disc tomorrow.  (I'm a bit terrified of that one - it's 90 minutes and it's YOGA.....sun salutation to plank to push up to upward facing dog to push up to plank to runners pose to warrior one to warrior 2 and back to plank......)  But I am starting to feel different.  And look different.  I CAN DO THIS.

One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.

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