Saturday, April 16, 2011

hmmmmm - personal trainers?

ok, so my back is out and I'm fighting a cold.  But I did just read this very interesting article about a site that will hook you up with a personal trainer for as low as $10 a week.  Interesting read at the very least.

Tomorrow I will walk up Heart Attack Hill.  And then likely go back to bed.

One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Yogi Berra

Instead of walking up the hill (in the cold and rain) tonight we found some yoga instruction on Netflix.  And lemme just tell you I did some things tonight (and tried some things) that my body just plain old is NOT able to do.  Wow.  And it's not like you're jumping up and down, nope.  You're holding your body up on your hands and pushing yourself into an inverted V with your butt in the air, feet flat on the ground.  I cannot do the shoulder stands.  Just can't.  And there's one, I think it's called The Plow, it's evil.  I can't do it.  Hubby on the other hand finally made it to the point that his knees were resting on his forehead and toes on or near the floor.  The thing is, we did 30 minutes.  And talked about it afterwards and said "if we do this again, at least once or twice a week for a month we will be much better at it."  Interesting after-effects:  I got a headache and my stomach ached, almost nauseous and I was thisclose to having a charlie-horse in my left calf after siting on the ground and holding onto my foot (leg outstretched).  I will be very interested to see where I am with this in a month.  It's exercise.  And I feel much better having done it.

Had McDonald's for breakfast again.  Those damn sandwiches are my downfall.  English muffin, egg and cheese.  And so not good for me.  I'm still hungry a couple of hours later so I know it's not good for me.  If only oatmeal tasted like that sandwich does!!  Had a salad from Jack in the Box for lunch. (yeah, I know....much better idea to make my own lunch, I need salad stuff) Didn't use all the dressing, but did leave the cheese on it.  *sigh*  Came home and had an apple and then after doing yoga with hubby ate home-made Pho.

I know it's a game that I just need to believe I like.  This exercise stuff.  I always feel better when I'm done.  But I rarely want to begin.  Just keep swimming.  Every day.  Little by little I will do it.  I'm back to minus 36 pounds.  I want to reach 40 by the end of the month.  Just have to keep moving.  I can do this.

One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

just keep swimming

Ok, it wasn't every single day this week but it was almost every single day.  I purposefully did exercise.  Mostly walking up heartattack hill with hubby, but hey that counts.  And while he has said he will start dragging me up it (resulting in a "I dare you to try buddy" look from me) he hasn't had to.  Yesterday it was yard work (me vs. dandelions) and that counts!!

I've done better at the food this week.  I just can't go back to the old ways of eating.  It doesn't feel good.  So, it's been a concerted effort to find new things to eat, and have them available when I'm hungry (because as I've established, I am NOT patient).

Have been recently inspired by friends on facebook land who are making exercise a part of their daily life.  And I keep repeating to myself "you know you can do it".  It's been a matter of making the habit to (before assuming the dent on the couch after work) going straight to the room to change into walking outfit and tennis shoes (New Balance) and leave the house before doing anything else at night.  I've let go of the fantasy that I'll wake up at 5am dying to walk.  It's just not going to happen right now.  Maybe someday.  Right now my fantasy is 1 whole week where I walk every day.  For 10 minutes.  And then we'll see.

One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

teeeny tiny little steps

ok so 2 weeks have gone by since I've either charted my stuff in weight watchers or been on here to really blog.  How this happens, this time flying by I don't know.  But I can tell you I've still not gotten the exercise daily habit going. We've had company one weekend, then last weekend went out of town to see a bunch of friends and if there was a carb around me I inhaled it.  It is so much easier to eat food that is good for me when I'm at home.  Going out to dinner is NOT easy on a low carb, high veggie diet.

So, confessions:  arabian food - falafels, rice and yummy flat bread, Spaghetti Factory, drinks drinks and more drinks, french toast, breakfast scramble.  I think there are more things but those are the highlights.  And not much walking.

But today I walked up heart attack hill in the rain and hail.  And it didn't feel quite as bad as the last time I trudged up the hill.   So there's that.

And I didn't go out to eat today.  Oatmeal with banana.  Stir-fry vegetables, medium sweet potato with some sprays of "I can't believe it's not butter" (not on my current diet list but not as bad as putting real butter on), coffee, an apple and soon to be eaten stir fry and Pho.

And now for something completely different:

Am having a conflict of sorts regarding one of my favorite past times:  watching tv.  He hates it.  Thinks it's a total waste of time and energy (which I won't argue against) and I like to sit and just veg.  He has told me again, and again and just tonight again that he would rather me be on Facebook (which he also loathes) than watch tv.  So, all you out there that deal with conflicts at home.... share the ideas.  I have told him that I'm not going to stop watching tv.  That I will choose to watch with headphones to not bug him, because he lives here too and I feel like I should be fair.  But at the same time...I am not stopping.  In fact, sadly I will admit here and now to my stubbornness...., the more he talks to me about it the more I want to watch it.  Deliberately.  Yup, that's oppositional if not defiance.   And it's very, very ME.  So, new to this marriage stuff I ask for ideas or examples on how you have dealt with conflict in your relationships.  I'm open to trying new ideas.  But I am not letting go of the remote.   There's your topic....discuss...

One day.  One step.  One pound at a time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Get your revolution on

This is the only thing fit to post today - and you should go to this link.  I HIGHLY recommend it.

Tomorrow morning I will get up and walk.  Even if it's for 3 minutes.

One day.  One pound.  One step at a time.